Overview of Axiom-e

The axiom-explanation

Ken Dickson spent many years working as a director for a variety of  companies. He now helps younger entrepreneurs in the UK and elsewhere  through his writings, talks and  training courses. These are focused on:
  • strategic financial management
  • business planning and fund-raising
  • starting up in business
  • entrepreneurship
  • business ethics
  • buying and selling companies
  • general business advice.

Over the years our clients have included startups, university spin-outs, turnarounds and more mature companies in various sectors such as manufacturing and technology as well as social enterprises and charities.

Training and coaching can be customised to meet the needs of boards, departments and individuals. 

Open programmes are also run, often via the University of Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education.

To find out more about how Axiom-e can add value to you or your organisation and so give you the axiom-edge, please contact us.

Dragonmobility's logo: See the Person, not the Chair.
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